Excited to start my new job as lead developer at Offerta

It’s good to be back online with batteries charged and upgraded. The backlog of posts, tips and LOLZ has grown enough to keep a study supply for the rest of the year, - and I can’t wait to catch up on my favorite blogs (if you have a blog please give me the RSS link so I can add it to my reader) and all of you. In a few weeks, when I return from USA after the MVP Summit and the Software Craftsmanship Conference in Los Angeles, I’ll be starting in my new role as lead developer at Offerta in Stockholm. I am so pumped! I won’t be moving up there though, you know how much I love Gothenburg after all :D I will be commuting sort of, splitting my time and living between Stockholm the lovely capital of Sweden and Gothenburg (known as Little London) further south.

Offerta is an online B2C/B2B brokerage service for a wide variety of professional services, and as you can guess there are plenty of challenges and possibilities so I expect busy (but fun) times ahead. I’m lucky to join a team of enthusiastic developers and designers and I’ll share as much as I can about my new adventures in the posh capital that is considered to be one of the world top emerging technical hubs.
Last modified on 2015-10-29