What a week Code babes and douches, nerd dinners, sun and code
I’m ending the week on a very good note with beautiful weather, a new course for Pluralsight signed up, homemade ice cream and hanging out with Jonas. Gothenburg has been slowly waking up from the winter slumber, bringing out fashionistas, cooling beer in the sun and yummy shrimp sandwiches.

Yesterday we had our monthly nerd dinner, as always a few could not make it but at least it was me, Jonas and Daniel W. (who lives in a different city an hour and a half from here). We spent a good two hours swearing at the horrible site codebabes.com, not just for the sheer stupidity of it, but also for having beyond shit content with wrong answers on the quizzes. Daniel who knows PHP rather well, was in particular offended. Today I noticed a parody site, codedicks.com. I have no idea who made either of the sites, deep down I think we all hope it’s a joke.

Oh well.
Anyway. I got the great news that I’ve gotten a new course approved for Pluralsight around 10PM, so Jonas and I decided to spend the Saturday coding (me prepping demos for the course). Daniel went back home as he was suffering from abstinence from Dark Souls 2 which was released earlier in the week. Traitor.
But, before any code can be written, it has to be discussed!The perfect place was close to ‘Saluhallen’ where there is a restaurant that has a good variety of beer and fantastic shrimp sandwiches.

Coffee and ice cream is enjoyed on the balcony while Jonas explains to me the pains of SharePoint (again) and after that I bring out my laptop after dragging it around with me all day, and get coding. If I know myself right I’ll be at it all night, and tomorrow, before recording an episode for the Women.Tech.Love podcast with Michele with a gym session or two sometime during the day.
Last modified on 2014-04-26