F# & Machine Learning events and workshops in Gothenburg ( Pluralsight Study Group )
The next two weeks I/we are organizing some F# and Machine Learning events in Gothenburg- make sure you don’t miss out, I highly recommend them! I would love some help with the workshops in particular, so if you are able to come and would like to help out please let me know :) The UG is also looking for co-oranizers, there is only me right now but we would be better of if we were two or three. Getting sponsors has not been a problem :D

The one and only Philip Trelford will be doing the workshops, read more about him and histhoughts on his site here.
Here are some ‘reviews’/feedback he got from his meetup in Washington DC:
Can we please get Phil to stop in and do another meetup at some point? Great presentation and fun to fool with the F# code as well.
@ptrelford had us do something that was hard enough to be interesting yet easy enough so we could all follow easily - excellent hands-on intro to decision trees
Phil was a blast! Loved the group competition for tuning the decision tree and the extra side tangents about fun script with pacman and mario
Evry - read more about Evry here
Olof Asklunds gata 10, 421 30 Västra Frölunda, Göteborg
Introduction to F# in preparation for F# & machine learning workshop
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
One of the best teachers I’ve had, Phillip Trelford, is visiting on 16th of April and we will (the UG) arrange a F# day event with some machine learning. In preparation for this (you can however just attend one or another if you want, sign up for what you want to attend!) we will watch and try out the second module of Introduction to F# (‘Quick Start’). Evry my previous employee is sponsoring both events and there will be food, the venue is fantastic (plenty of parking and busses go there) and we are a bunch of rather nice devs so don’t miss out!
(Lunch) Intro to F# & Machine Learning from disaster Workshop w. Philip Trelford
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Philip Trelford is a F# MVP and appreciated speaker from UK that is coming to visit us teach us about F# and Machine Learning. I had the pleasure to go through his workshop at Öredev not to long ago and this is absolutely a workshop I wouldn’t want to miss! If you’ve ever wondered what machine learning is, or wanted to learn F#- then this workshop is for you! Please notice there is a lunch and afternoon workshop as we expect high attendance- max 40 people in each group. Workshop takes 3h, food will be served between workshops so the two workshop groups can mingle and share thoughts at around 4 PM. Food, drinks and venue provided by Evry (thank you!). After the event we are going for drinks at Heaven 23- these are not sponsored ;)
(afternoon) Intro to F# & Machine Learning f. disaster Workshop -Philip Trelford
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
4:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Last modified on 2014-04-04