The beautician, User Group, Azure and droneio with Go language
What a week. Brighter than Gold by Cat Empire has been on repeat this week- I needed some energy. Winter slowly giving way for what might resemble spring but I feel rather drained after months of darkness, cold, rain, and insomnia. Do you ever get in a state where you can’t get anything done? – Where you just can’t get yourself started? I’ve been there the last two weeks, and that is very far from how I usually am.

TodayS1_S From one of my sessions at the cafe this week :)
So to force myself to get things done I would go to a café and work. There is something comforting in the sounds at a café, and I’ve been there working almost every day this week. A large skinny latte with 2 extra shots espresso, a brownie, and I do get some work done.

TodayS2_S The stickers are popular with kids. Maybe we can get more kids started programming by handing out stickers? Worked for me HAH!
On Tuesday I saw a tweet about something called . This is a rather sleek and simple continuous integration service. Of course I had to give it a go. But, SHOCK, HORROR, there was no support for .Net? Determined on trying it I decided to give Go a go- pun intended.

DSC_0029_S Yeah.
So I had a first experience with that. And it went something like this…
(commit messages)
Test added
Curly brace added
Darn you curly braces
Obviously I suck
Import namespace. Yes…. Good idea.
But in the end I got there, one small package, two functions and one unit test. Builds running green. Yay. And I’d like to learn Go, I just need to figure out a better why than just curiosity. I need to build something, so if you have a suggestion let me know. I’ll write about in a separate post.'
I attended a UG meeting yesterday, Dag talked about Azure on non.Net and Lisa talked about TypeScript. A lovely surprise was that a girl I had met at a GeekGirl UG was there so we ended up chatting a fair bit as always, ‘fika’ booked for Sunday. It might look like there are no girls/women at the UG, but there were- we just happened to all be on the first row. Not sure why :)

TodayS5_S What’s up with the hand to mouth pose? And they know I’m taking the photo. A moment realier they were looking at my massive camera, and then ‘snap’- I get this.
Lisa did a good job and I can tell she had prepared well, and I’d love to see more. Dag was entertaining and lovely as always.

DSC_0051S_S Lisa Ryrholm talking TypeScript. Dig her style!
I had to run since I had an appointment at the beautician- an American lady that is quite the workaholic. Explains why she did my eyebrows at 11PM on a Thursday when the rest of the town is sound asleep. She was downing coffees putting my coffee drinking to shame, and we were talking about everything from advanced functions in excel, to programming, to travel and moving to new places.

TodayS4_S The clinic
She kept asking me, ‘Iris, now you go take a look and tell me what you think’. I would climb down from the bench, and look in the mirror, ask for adjustments, and she would draw on my face and ask ‘this?’ and then go back to working on the brows. We did this for hours. Her husband called a few times, it was getting late. But she never stressed, she seemed to pay extra care to checking and checking, making sure I as the paying customer, got exactly what I wanted. ‘I never let anybody walk out that door without being happy’ she said. ‘You would make a great developer’ I told her.

TodayS3_S Why not. That’s the bench, and there is the mirror. I did about 12 trips between the two. Jackia REALLY wants to know how I want my brows.
And when I walked home, I kept thinking about that. Some people do that so well. Regardless of pressure, lack of food and sleep, long day, shit weather, they get shit done, and shit done well- without sacrificing quality.
The next day I went back, I had forgotten something there. She was consulting a client. She met me with a big hug, and over her shoulder I could see a client that was having a bad day, but Jackie the beautician was lovely as always- answering probing questions from the skeptical client polite and with a gentle smile. ‘You are in good hands’ I winked to the other girl as I grabbed what I had forgotten. She just stared blank at me (you don’t talk to strangers in Sweden). Oh well. I *just* knew she would be all smiles later, once she got the ‘Jackie treatment’.
You find bits of inspiration in your everyday life, if you look for them. And for me this week, it happened to be a lady that colors and waxes my eyebrows. Next project, when the client gets irritated, or we are on the 1000nth hour with no sleep or food, I’ll think about the late night session at her clinic. And I’ll ask, ‘Is this how you want the arch on your brows?’. Okay, I’ll probably ask something else. But you get the point.
Tomorrow I’m going to Leap ‘hack’ – AKA code for Leap Motion with the boys. There will be food, Japanese game shows bad humor and a lot of code. Sunday is Java meets C# as me and Evelina are sampling some vegan food in the old part of Gothenburg (I’m not a vegan, but my favorite restaurant is a vegan place.)
Have a fantastic weekend!
Some PowerShell,, behaviors and Windows Store Apps – blog posts coming up. Not combined LOL. And oh. I’ve got massive news. But we’ll save that for next time ;)
Leave a comment below, or by email. Fredrik BjöremanIris ClassonReply to: Fredrik Björeman'Solrosen' of course! They are so nice there, and the lasagne is yummy! I've started using rescue time and I log everything I do, and its scary how much time is 'wasted'. If I get 4 good hours in a day I'm happy :) 4h of coding that is ;)Fredrik BjöremanReply to: Iris ClassonI was hoping you'd say Solrosen, I love that place too! Four hours, tops, of good coding sounds very much right to me too. Makes you wonder why we all think about a work day of - at least - eight hours. As if that number meant something to creative work.
Last modified on 2014-02-21