Testing Bing Code Search Visual Studio Extension (with video)
I heard about the Bing Code Search extension for Visual Studio so I decided to give it a go. I’ve recorded a small video of this experiment.


It works, but doesn’t work well. Specific API’s for example in the WinRT library seems to be a problem, but I’m sure this will be improved. While it beats online searches that focus on code searching on speed and convenience it doesn’t return many results, in some cases none at all which makes it (today) for me to unreliable as a productivity tool since I might spend time using it only to have to go to the browser anyway.
Searching for ‘Mediacapture’ returned nothing relevant, and only one suggestion with the extension compared to searchcode.com

I do have hopes for it, and its cool, and an interesting idea.
One concern I have is that it enables the copy and paste coding we see and hate, and with pushing your variables into copied snippets the developer might spend even less effort reading the code properly. But is it the extensions that should be responsible for that? One could argue the same for tools such as Resharper and what not. I don’t know. I guess we will have to see. I’ll play with it, but it isn’t mature enough for professional use.
To use it install it from the Visual Studio Gallery, either via the site or from the VS menu tools and extensions.

Install and restart VS.
If you have Resharper turn it of (suspend). This is done under Tools – Options – Resharper- Suspend
Use Ctrl + . to invoke intellisense, and with the mouse select the ‘how do I’
Type search, use arrows to page, and hit enter to insert snippet.
If you try it in the browser add three /// then type query and hit tab

Leave a comment below, or by email. Ben BoyterIris ClassonReply to: Ben BoyterHi Ben! Good job there! I would love to see the new version, could I beta test it and maybe write a few blog posts and do a video?Ben BoyterReply to: Iris ClassonSorry about the VERY late reply. I didn't get an email notification of your response. I have rolled out the new version already so feel free to check it out. If you have any questions or want details please just email me at bboyte01@gmail.com (you can also find all my contact details at searchcode.com) I will be more then happy to answer any questions you have.
Last modified on 2014-02-17