Get up and code podcast with Iris Classon and John Sonmez
What? Yes? Really? Yes!
Alright maybe you weren’t that surprised or you aren’t that easily entertained….
John and I came in contact due to our relationship with Pluralsight and soon started talking a lot about fitness and nutrition after finding out that we had these two interests in common- as well as being programmers. Turns out we have a quite similar background in regards to fitness and nutrition and we had both thought of ways to share what we know and how others working in IT, particularly developers, could have a custom tailored fitness and nutrition podcast.
Because there is soooo much BS out there and everybody is trying to make money of something. And this crows, IT – developers in particular, we are people of logic, BS shouldn’t bite. We hope. So therefore we decided, let’s do a no BS, no fuss, no one-hour-inspiration-babble, no impractical advice podcast. So here it is, the Get Up And Code Podcast!
John Sonmez has been a bodybuilder for many years, given and taken advice, and has had first-hand experience of how tricky weight management can be, and time management. Regardless of time constrain and traveling a fair bit, John has kept a diet and training regime to maintain a healthy and good physique.
I’m a clinical dietitian and international personal trainer who also does bodybuilding (on the fitness scale), ultra running and extreme sports, I travel a lot and have lived in many different countries, experiencing how hard it is to be consistent and keep it up when the context changes. First fitness and bikini fitness competition coming up this year for me, yikes!Podcast specs:
Frequency: 1/week
Length: 15-20 min average
Topics covered: fitness, nutrition and programming/ working in IT
Listen here: iTunes, Marketplace, Stitcher, blog (

Make contact here:
Facebook: getUpdAndCode
Twitter: @GetUpAndCode
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Last modified on 2013-05-10