Stupid Question 166: What is NFC?
I have a new phone for work, a Nokia Lumia 920- and I am loving the phone! The three things I really love, compared to my previous Lumia 800, is the camera (which is amazing), the size (I prefer large phones- had a HTC HD before), and NFC. At TechDays there were quite a few devs there with a Windows Phone, pretty much everybody had one, and I fell in love with the Tap and Send feature, which allows you to send an image by just touching one phone to another. So neat!
I started playing around with NFC after that (so there will be a few blog posts about NFC soon) and made it a thing to show people how it works. But many had no idea what NFC is, hence the question of the day, what is NFC?
NFC stands for Near Field Communication and is a wireless, low-power, low-range radio communication between two devices, or a device and a so-called tag (tags aren’t powered by own battery*). In contrast to smartcards NFC allows two-way communication, and allows you to do task automatisation with pre-planned commands to be executed.
*The tags are powered by the touching device and the emitted radiowaves
Last modified on 2013-03-21