Pictures from Train the Trainers in Nederland
I woke up to a minor snows storm this morning, after a two day Train the Trainers event with Microsoft here in Utrecht, Nederland. IN a few hours I’m going back home to Sweden, but right now I’m enjoying a brownie (just a plain brownie FYI) and some coffee and why not share some pictures from the last two days? We were about 60 developers I think, received training in how to best train other developers to successfully develop for the Windows Phone platform and how make the most out of Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. I was here with three other developers from Sweden, Jessica and Jimmy Engström, and Anders Bratland, but I met quite a few devs I had talked online with and managed even to meet up with Jeff Wouters for a coffee as he was passing by. Here is the event in pictures :)
Last modified on 2013-01-25