Iris Classon
Iris Classon - In Love with Code

Das Keyboard Scores- 6 weeks later

It has been two months with the blank keyboard now, and six weeks where I’ve measured my words per minutes on weekly, and sometimes daily basis. Not so surprisingly I’ve had the biggest progress in the beginning, after all I’ve always looked at the keys out of habit and not doing so has been quite a challenge. Right now I feel almost like I’ve plateaued, there aren’t any big changes anymore and I think continuing is very important right now and that I will have more progress later on. So right before Christmas I’ll do one more test, I’m writing on a book right now (my first tech book yay!) so that should give me plenty of practice.

I’m happy with the writing speed, but not coding. That still feels a bit awkward. Here are the scores: (I’m doing 43 words per minute with my Das Keyboard with no errors, and 60 on the laptop with 2 errors)


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Last modified on 2013-12-12

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